Having been longtime fans, Lisa and Sean have attended more than thirty Brian Wilson concerts. In this episode, your hosts talk about their memories and experiences of seeing the famed Beach Boys musical genius perform live over the …click to read more
Episode 3: Tune right in everywhere you go
…everywhere you go because Lisa and Sean have put together a couple of playlists! Specifically, for that person in your life who is curious about The Beach Boys and wants to explore further. (Recorded May 29, 2021) SHOW …click to read more
Episode 2: White puff glistening shadowy WOW!
Having had a chance to let the new Feel Flows: The Sunflower & Surf’s Up Sessions 1969-1971 package settle into their ears and minds, Lisa and Sean share their thoughts not only on this shiny new archival release …click to read more
Episode 1: It starts with just a little glance now…
As they gather their thoughts on the new Feel Flows box set, Sean and Lisa present you with how it all started for them as Beach Boys fans. Be prepared for a lot of technological nostalgia! Show Notes …click to read more
Episode 0: Standing by the ocean’s roar
Lisa and Sean have been married for, well…a long time and share a love of the music of Brian Wilson and The Beach Boys. This episode of Tune X, recorded live at the beach in San Diego, is …click to read more